Cell phone carriers have special offers that provide unlimited data and discounts just for Seniors. Find information on how to find these deals below.
If you are a senior watching your budget, then finding the best senior cell phone plan must be a part of that strategy. The problem with cell phone plans is that there are so many companies and so many plans offered by each company that it can become frustrating to sift through them all. Some companies specifically take into account the fixed income of seniors who have retired, and offer a reduced rate service, while others simply offer a blanket discount if you are over the age of 60.
Seniors who are on a fixed income and are considered low-income also qualify for many cell phone plans, including those subsidized by government programs such as Lifeline. If you are a senior and have just purchased a cell phone, are thinking about getting a cell phone, or have a cell phone and want to reduce costs, use the following guide to learn about senior cell phone plans each top phone carrier is offering.

T-Mobile/Sprint Magenta Unlimited 55+ Plan
Sprint and T-mobile have merged, but the senior cell phone plan remained in place. The Unlimited 55+ plan is offered to seniors at a cost of around $30 per phone, per month. This plan allows you to add on services on top of the basic package including unlimited calls to Mexico or Canada and internet connection even while flying. This plan does not expect you to sign a contract and you are not locked into the service if you do not like it.
Another T-Mobile plans that Seniors should take advantage of is their T-Mobile Connect plan. The T-Mobile Connect plan ensures that Americans stay connected. There are two price options, $15 per month which gives you get unlimited talk and text, plus up to 2.5GB of high-speed data. For $25 you get unlimited talk and text, and up to 5.5GB of high-speed data. These plans are for domestic use only, and taxes do apply, but if you are looking for a great low cost plan for $15 a month you cannot go wrong with the T-Mobile Connect plan.
Consumer Cellular Senior Cell Phone Plan
Consumer Cellular has been around since 1995 and have been offering senior plans almost as long. What is nice about this senior phone plan is that it gives you options. If you just want the cell phone to talk on and do not need it to be a small computer in your hand, then you can elect for the phone only plan. The Talk-Only plans start at around $15 a month and you can end service whenever you like as there are no contracts you have to sign. If you also want the ability to check your email, send a text or do searches on the internet, then the plan is around $40 a month. What is also excellent about this company is that you can get this plan and purchase the cell phone all at the same place instead of having to buy the phone one place, then find a plan.
Republic Wireless Plan
Republic Wireless is a small department that is also owned by the Sprint/T-Mobile merger. This allows them to offer a more expanded service for users. The plans start at $15 a month and offer unlimited talk and texting. If you are able to pay your plan as an annual fee you can save even more for a discount (around $150 for the entire year). You can select from several customizable plans and only get those features you find useful. Republic Wireless offers seniors a money-back guarantee that is good for 14 days while you try it out.
If you do not think you will use a cell phone all that often, then FreedomPop is a no-frills cell phone plan for seniors. For those considered low income you can receive up to 200 minutes each month for free. If you are not low income then the service begins at only $15 a month. Their Basic 200 plan offers you up to 500 texts per month and around 200 minutes of phone time. You must use a phone that is compatible with FreedomPop which means you cannot have an Apple iPhone. To make it easier for consumers FreedomPop has a wide range of phones you can choose from that are compatible with their services. If you decide you do not want to continue with FreedomPop your phone will work with other carriers.
Why Seniors Should Shop for Cell Phone Plans
If you are retired then your income has become fairly fixed. This often means you must live closer to a budget than you used to and saving money where you can is just a smart thing to do. Many companies offer discounts and lowered rates for seniors because they know that most seniors build brand loyalty. The convenience of having a cell phone and a good plan allows you to remain more independent, stay in touch with loved ones, and have a ready safety device in case you need to call for assistance. Many cell phones now come with mapping features so you can find your way around unfamiliar places or find your car when it is in a large parking lot. Peace of mind and ready connection to loved ones make cell phones and senior cell phone plans a very good addition to a great retirement.